UPSC Marketing Officer - Directorate of Marketing and Inspection
UPSC Marketing Officer
Directorate of Marketing and Inspection-
Video Classes
Printed Books (selected topics)
e-Books on online LMS
Topic wise Practice Questions
3 Fresh Mock Tests (from 10 March)
Doubt Solving - within 1 working day
Access of course - till exam date of UPSC
FAQs- Must Read before you make payment
Must Watch Video to understand our course Video
We have created a structured course for the UPSC Marketing Officer exam (Directorate of Marketing and Inspection), as per new syllabus.
You will receive the following from Human Peritus:
1. Access to Online Learning Management System (LMS): This includes video classes, content, practice questions, and mock tests.
2. Printed Books for Selected Topics: These will be couriered to your home.
1. Access to Online LMS
We have divided the entire syllabus into around 200 smaller sub-topics. For each topic, you will receive a video class, content, and practice questions. There is also a provision for doubt clarification, where all your queries will be addressed within 1 working day.
2. Printed Books
You will receive 5 printed books for the following topics, delivered to your home via courier:
(i) Marketing Management
(ii) Strategic Management
(iii) Numerical Aptitude
(iv) General English
(v) Computer Knowledge
Please note that while we are providing printed books for selected topics, the Online LMS covers 100% of the syllabus, as prescribed by UPSC.
1. There are a few topics, such as Marketing Legislations, for which our team is still preparing the content. This will be ready by 15th February 2025. This accounts for approximately 15-20% of the total syllabus.
2. Three full-length mock tests will be available on online LMS from 10 March 2025.
You will receive 5 printed books for the following topics, delivered to your home via courier:
(i) Marketing Management
(ii) Strategic Management
(iii) Numerical Aptitude
(iv) General English
(v) Computer Knowledge
Please note that while we are providing printed books for selected topics, the Online LMS covers 100% of the syllabus, as prescribed by UPSC.
The UPSC has released the new syllabus in Jan 2025. We currently have approximately 80% of the content prepared. Our team at Human Peritus is actively developing the remaining 20% and expects to complete it by February 20, 2025.
Here’s the breakdown of our readiness across specific areas:
1. English language: 100% ready
2. Quantitative aptitude: 100% ready
3. Concepts of Marketing: 100% ready
4. Concepts of Marketing related to Agriculture: 20% ready
5. Market legislation, Grading, standardization, and quality management: 0% ready
6. Digital marketing, basic computer applications: 100% ready
7. Market research: 100% ready
8. General Awareness regarding Indian Agricultural Economy: 100% ready
9. Current events of national and international importance: 100% ready
Payment Confirmation: You will get an email with payment confirmation within 1 working day.
LMS login credentials: You will get another email with login credentials within 1 working day of payment.
Printed booklets: We make sure that the courier is dispatched within 2 working days. You will get an email on the courier tracking number, by the next day of the despatch. The courier reaches all over India, usually within 6-7 days. There might be a delay of a few more days because of lockdown, floods, or any other local factor. Please note that our responsibility does not stop at despatching the courier. It is our responsibility that the courier reaches your doorstep. If there is damage, loss, or excessive delay (beyond 20 days) to the packet, we will send you another packet.
Please note that all communication is sent through emails only. Therefore, it is important to keep reading all our emails carefully. If any doubt, immediately write us at
The Learning Management System (LMS) is accessible via the browser on any desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device. However, for optimal learning, it is advisable to use a desktop or laptop. Please note that only one login is allowed at a time.
Access to LMS will be till interview dates of UPSC Marketing Officer exam.
The fee mentioned on the website is final and it includes 18% GST, courier charges and everything else. Beyond it, there are no discounts.
Any attempt of illegal circulation of content will lead to immediate termination of access to all resources and the fees will not be refunded.
Any attempt to sell Human Peritus content on social media/internet will invite police complaint and subsequent FIR under various provisions of law given below:
- Section 63 of Copyright Act 1957 (knowingly infringes or abets the infringement of the copyright)
- Section 420 (cheating by the way of false representation) under sections 403, 406, 408, 420, 471 and 120-B of Indian Penal Code 1860 for dishonest and illegal misappropriation of money, criminal breach of trust, cheating, fraud and criminal conspiracy to commit fraud
- Section 29, 103 and 104 of Trade Marks Act 1999 (infringement and penalty)
- Section 1(2) read with Section 75 of the Information Technology Act 2000.
Download Syllabus- UPSC Marketing Officer Download
MUST Watch Video
Prepare with Human Peritus
Exam Date announced
Everything about UPSC Marketing Officer
Eligibility and Age Limit
Syllabus, Exam Pattern and Exam Date
Our Results in UPSC RT exams
FAQs- Good to Read
Some of the reasons, why you should consider us are:
1. Human Peritus is “uniquely positioned” to assist you for the UPSC Marketing Officer exam. On the one hand we have expertise of Recruitment exams of UPSC (like ALC, EPFO, APFC, Admin Officer, Store Officer), on the other hand, we are known market leaders of Management subject (Marketing in this context). We are uniquely positioned to assist you during preparation journey of UPSC Marketing Officer exam.
2. We do not just teach, we take responsibility for the outcome. After every exam, we analyze, how many questions came from our course. Then we improve our course. Then again analyze after the next next exam and improve the course..and so on….By doing it over the years, we have reached a stage, where consistently more than 80-90% of questions are from our course. We have seen this in ESIC, ALC and EPFO exams.
3. We have consistently maintained a high quality of teaching in live classes. The classes are not just 30,000 feet overview, but with detailed conceptual understanding. Do not just believe us. Take one day free trial with us.
4. Not only we teach well, we also take responsibility, if it is sufficient from coverage point of view. With us, you need not study any other book. You also need not look at previous papers. Not even current affairs. Nothing else. You are unlikely to get this confidence of “depend completely on us”, anywhere else.
5. The topic wise practice questions are not random questions, which have been assembled for the purpose of creating a question bank. A lot of thinking has gone into this. For example, do you know our question bank on Numerical Aptitude covers every question of UPSC RTS, CSAT, NDA, CDS exams for the last 20 years? Similarly, the question bank on Marketing does not cover only the South Asian edition of Kotler, but also the US edition of the same book.
7. And yes, thousands of students have realized their dreams with Human Peritus since the year 2011. You can check video interviews of hundreds of them by clicking here.
1. English language test
2. Quantitative aptitude test
3. Basic concepts of marketing-market structure, conduct & performance; marketing functions; marketing mix; market segmentation; marketing strategy; marketing efficiency, marketing costs, marketing margin and price spread; pricing strategies; marketing risks
4. Agricultural marketing-different types of market; storage and warehousing; emerging problems in agricultural marketing; agricultural prices and policy-MSP, administered prices; E-NAM
5. Market legislation: APMC act; Roles of APMC in agricultural marketing; Salient features of essential Commodities Act, Food Security Act, Food Safety and Standards Act, Warehousing Development and regulatory Authority (WDRA), CACP, FSSAI, AGMARK, DMI.
6. Grading, standardization and quality management
7. Market information and intelligence: Digital marketing in agriculture; basic computer applications, price forecasting
8. Market research: sampling, demand and supply analysis, basic descriptive statistics, regression analysis, timeseries analysis
9. General Awareness regarding Indian Agricultural Economy
10. Current events of national and international importance
We have designed this course for Marketing Officer after a detailed analysis of other Recruitment exams of UPSC. For example, the syllabus has the keyword “Indian Union”. We identified all other exams of UPSC, which have this keyword in their syllabus. Then we looked at every question of that paper. Only then, we decided what should be the boundary of the syllabus of the “Indian Union”.
Consider another example, the Syllabus has the keyword “Computer Applications”. We all will agree that topics like Computer Architecture, Software, Internet, Malware, MS Office etc will be part of the syllabus. But, What about SDLC ? What about base conversion ? What about DBMS and Normalization? Emerging technologies like Cloud Computing, AI, IoT, Big Data? Only after thorough analysis, we have compiled course of Computer Applications for ESIC Dy. Director.
Similarly, for every topic, we have decided on the syllabus. Of course, there are a lot of assumptions by our team. But this is the best approach, what we can do. And this has worked earlier. In Nov 2017 exam of UPSC Assistant Labour Comm, we used the same approach and more than 100 questions (out of 120) were from our syllabus.
Our analysis says that the Current Affairs for UPSC RT exams is quite static and theoretical. There is no need to teach it, as there is nothing conceptual. We expect that you should be able to understand and memorize by reading our printed booklets. Since the current affairs are factual in nature, the teacher does not add any value by reading that out in a class. You can read it yourself. In fact if you can cover 10 issues by self reading in X time, the teacher will be able to cover just 2-3 issues in X time.
Please note that, there is no need to refer newspapers or any other source for current affairs. Our content is sufficient. However, it is advisable to keep reading at least 1 newspaper, as it helps you in interview as well.
Although, our team, carefully packs the content, before despatch, sometimes, we may also commit mistakes.
If you find that, any booklet is missing or there are two booklets with same topic, there is no need to worry. Please write an email to us. Immediately, we will send you another courier with missing booklets.
Please note that, there is no need to panic. Our relationship with you does not end with despatch of courier. Our team will continuously assist you till exam time by (a) updating new content on online platform (b) handling your queries on any syllabus topic (c) we also do few free preparation tips classes in last 2 months of exam.
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Phone: 9717781110
Address: Human Peritus, Floor 5, Building C, Unitech Cyber Park, Gurgaon, 122002
About Us
Human Peritus specializes in UPSC RT exams like UPSC ALC, EPFO, Admin Officer, Store Officer, marketing officer etc.
Phone: 9717781110
Address: Human Peritus, Floor 5, Building C, Unitech Cyber Park, Gurgaon, 122002
Get in touch, if you want to schedule a face to face meeting with faculty in our Gurgaon office.
Exams we cover
- UPSC RTs- ALC, APFC, EPFO EO/AOI, Admin Officer, store Officer, DRDO, ESIC DD
- Assistant Professor exams Marketing Officer exams for Banks and PSUs
- HR Officer exams for Banks and PSUs
- UPSC Civil Services- Management Optional
- UPSC Prelims- CSAT
- Management (Code 17) - UGC NET
- Commerce (Code 08)- UGC NET
- HRM & Labour Welfare Subject (Code 55)- UGC NET
- UGC NET Paper 1