Cut Off in Previous Years of UGC NET in Commerce
This page provides complete information about the cut-off for the Commerce subject in UGC NET from 2018 to 2024.
It is important to note that the cut-off is sometimes declared in percentage and at other times in percentile.
The cut-off for December 2024, December 2018, June 2019, December 2019, and December 2023 is provided in PERCENTAGE.
The cut-off for June 2024, June 2020 to June 2023 is provided in PERCENTILE.
The cut-off scores of previous years are given below.
For commerce subject, for some exams, the NTA did not disclose the cut off in ‘percentage’ terms, but in ‘percentile’ terms. This is so because more than 1 lakh students write UGC NET in Commerce subject. Because the number of candidates in this subject is so high, the NTA is forced to conduct the exam in multiple shifts. The candidates are given different sets of question papers in each shift. It is likely that the difficulty level of these question papers in different shifts may not be exactly the same. Some of the candidates will end up attempting a relatively tougher set of questions in comparison to other candidates. To overcome this situation, the NTA has started a “Normalization procedure based on Percentile Score”.
For example, a student may be scoring 78 percentage in a tougher paper in Shift 1, while another student may be scoring 78 percentage in an easier paper in Shift 2. Although both students scored the same percentage, the NTA awards 99.6 percentile to Shift 1 student and 99.4 percentile to Shift 2 student (these numbers are for illustration). This is based on the process of normalization.
So, what do we learn from Cut-Off analysis of UGC NET in Commerce?
The percentile does not give any estimate about cut-off score. If you are in a Shift with easier paper, your cut- off will be high. On the other hand, if you are in a shift with a tougher paper, your cut-off will be low. How much it will be low/high, can not be predicted.
The students should try to target around 70 correct answers in Paper 2 and around 38-40 correct answers in Paper 1. The overall cut-off is likely to be “65 plus minus 5” for UGC NET in Commerce. So, we are advising to target score of 70/100 in paper 2 and 38/50 in Paper 1. Check out, why and how you should be targeting around 40 correct in Paper 1 out of 50 questions.
You may also check other data points about UGC NET in Commerce like Syllabus, Previous Years Question Papers with detailed Answers, Eligibility, Coaching Classes, Study Material, How to Start Preparation. Still, if you have something else on your mind, you may connect with our team. We will do our best to support you in your preparation for UGC NET in Commerce- Code 08.
Cut Off in Previous Papers- UGC NET in Commerce
To clear the UGC NET in Commerce subject, we need to understand how the cut-off pattern has been in the previous years. This will help us in deciding upon a score that should be achieved to secure a seat in JRF.
Cut Off in UGC NET Commerce- Dec 2024 exam
It may be noted that for the subject of commerce, for Dec 2024 attempt, Percentage is declared.
Category 1 (JRF) = 70.00%
Category 2 (Assistant Professor) = 62.00%
Category 3 (Only PhD) = 54.00%
Category 1 (JRF) = 66.00%
Category 2 (Assistant Professor) = 56.00%
Category 3 (Only PhD) = 49.33%
Category 1 (JRF) = 67.33%
Category 2 (Assistant Professor) = 57.33%
Category 3 (Only PhD) = 48.00%
Category 1 (JRF) = 63.33%
Category 2 (Assistant Professor) = 52.66%
Category 3 (Only PhD) = 46.66%
Category 1 (JRF) = 59.33%
Category 2 (Assistant Professor) = 50.66%
Category 3 (Only PhD) = 45.33%
Cut Off in UGC NET Commerce- June 2024 exam (held in Sep 2024)
It may be noted that for the subject of commerce, for June 2024 attempt, only percentile is declared and not percentage.
Category 1 (JRF) = 99.84
Category 2 (Assistant Professor) = 97.80
Category 3 (Only PhD) = 90.19
Category 1 (JRF) = 99.20
Category 2 (Assistant Professor) = 92.19
Category 3 (Only PhD) = 80.12
Category 1 (JRF) = 99.53
Category 2 (Assistant Professor) = 93.89
Category 3 (Only PhD) = 80.10
Category 1 (JRF) = 98.00
Category 2 (Assistant Professor) = 86.81
Category 3 (Only PhD) = 71.90
Category 1 (JRF) = 97.00
Category 2 (Assistant Professor) = 83.58
Category 3 (Only PhD) = 66.95
Cut Off in UGC NET Commerce- Dec 2023 exam (held in Dec 2023)
It may be noted that for the subject of commerce, for Dec 2023, the cut off is declared in percentage.
Unreserved: 61.33% (JRF) & 53.33% (NET)
EWS: 58% (JRF) & 49.33% (NET)
OBC: 56.67% (JRF) & 47.33% (NET)
SC: 54.00%(JRF) & 45.33% (NET)
ST: 50.67%(JRF) & 44.67%(NET)
It may be noted that for the subject of commerce, From June 2020 to June 2023 attempts, only percentile is declared and not percentage.
Cut Off in UGC NET Commerce- June 2023 exam (held in June 2023)
Unreserved: 99.78 (JRF) & 98.12 (NET)
EWS: 99.37 (JRF) & 94.36 (NET)
OBC: 98.79 (JRF) & 92.27 (NET)
SC: 97.62(JRF) & 86.82 (NET)
ST: 96.69 (JRF) & 83.01 (NET)
Cut Off in UGC NET Commerce- Dec 2022 exam (held in Feb 2023)
Unreserved: 99.73 (JRF) & 97.43 (NET)
EWS: 99.25 (JRF) & 93.60 (NET)
OBC: 98.96 (JRF) & 91.57 (NET)
SC: 96.98 (JRF) & 84.80 (NET)
ST: 96.33 (JRF) & 79.60 (NET)
Cut Off in UGC NET Commerce- June 2021 exam (Combined cycle of Dec 2020 and June 2021)
Unreserved: 99.4 (JRF) & 97.2 (NET)
EWS: 98.6 (JRF) & 93.0 (NET)
OBC: 97.5 (JRF) & 90.0 (NET)
SC: 95.0 (JRF) & 82.7 (NET)
Cut Off in UGC NET Commerce- June 2020 exam (held in Nov 2020)
Unreserved: 99.45 (JRF) & 97.29 (NET)
OBC: 98.61 (JRF) & 90.47 (NET)
SC: 95.03 (JRF) & 82.78 (NET)
Cut Off in UGC NET Commerce- Dec 2019 exam
Unreserved: 62% (JRF) & 55% (NET)
OBC: 58% (JRF) and 50% (NET)
SC: 56% (JRF) and 48% (NET)
ST: 54% (JRF) and 47% (NET)
Cut Off in UGC NET Commerce- June 2019 exam
Unreserved: 68% (JRF) & 60% (NET)
OBC: 63% (JRF) and 53% (NET)
SC: 60% (JRF) and 50% (NET)
ST: 57% (JRF) and 48% (NET)
Cut Off in UGC NET Commerce- Dec 2018 exam
Unreserved: 62% (JRF) & 54% (NET)
OBC: 58% (JRF) and 49% (NET)
SC: 54% (JRF) and 47% (NET)
ST: 54% (JRF) and 46% (NET)
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Understand the recent major changes in the eligibility for both PG students and 4 Years Degree students for UGC NET…..
Exam Pattern
Pattern of Paper, number of questions, marking scheme, negative marketing etc for UGC NET in Commerce exam…..
Syllabus – Paper 1
Check out detailed Syllabus of Paper 1 of UGC NET, as prescribed by the UGC NET …..
Previous Years’ Papers- Paper 1
Download All Previous Years Question Papers (PYQs) from 2009 to 2024, for Paper 1 of UGC NET, with Answer Key …..
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What Our Students Say
Sheetal Rajput
Hello team This is to thank you people for helping me out for the last minute preparation i did for the NTA NET-JRF exam for COMMERCE conducted in June 2019. I took admission in PhD in DU last year, so had to earn JRF for pursuing it more smoothly. a big thanks to the team of Human Peritus. You guys are doing an amazing job. Keep it up. More success to you team.
Puja Chakraborty
A big heartfelt thanks to the Human peritus Team for their wonderful support & guidance throughout the period, Finally I cracked the NET for commerce after taking HumanPeritus study Material. I’m very happy and thankful to the entire team of Human Peritus.
Priya Nangia
I have taken study material of commerce from human peritus for December’19, And I just wanted to inform and thank human peritus as I cleared JRF in single attempt. I will surely recommend your study material to my fellows.
Changes in Eligibility from June 2024
Category System- UGC NET
Cut Off in Commerce
June 2020 Paper Analysis
June 2019 Exam Analysis
Admission to PhD
June 2020 Paper Analysis
June 2019 Exam Analysis
Admission to PhD
About Us
Human Peritus specializes in Management and Commerce. Thousands of students have cracked UGC NET with Human Peritus since 2011.
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