THDC India Limited - Executive Human Resource exam 2025
Human Peritus is offering a course for the Executive (Human Resource) exam for THDC India Limited 2025.
Please note that our course does not cover 100% of the syllabus. Download the following document to see the detailed list of topics included and excluded in our course.
Syllabus Coverage – THDC HR exam
What you will get:
We will give you access to online Learning Management System, which will include:
(i) Online Content
(ii) Video Classes
(iii) Practice Questions
Please make sure to watch this video (click here) to understand, how this course is structured.
Executive (Human Resource)
THDC India Limited-
Video Classes
e-Books on online LMS
Topic wise Practice Questions
Access of course - till interview dates of THDC
* Make sure to read all FAQs before Payment
Must watch Videos- before your enroll
Personnel and HR
Marketing and Sales
Materials Management
FAQs- Must Read before you make payment
Please note that our course does not cover 100% of the syllabus. Download the following document to see the detailed list of topics included and excluded in our course.
Syllabus Coverage – THDC HR exam
Make sure to watch this video
No printed booklets will be provided. All content will be accessible only through the online LMS.
Payment Confirmation: You will get an email with payment confirmation within 1 working day.
LMS login credentials: You will get another email with login credentials within 1 working day of payment.
Please note that all communication is sent through emails only. Therefore, it is important to keep reading all our emails carefully. If any doubt, immediately write us at
The Learning Management System (LMS) is accessible via the browser on any desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device. However, for optimal learning, it is advisable to use a desktop or laptop. Please note that only one login is allowed at a time.
Access to LMS will be till interview dates of THDC India exam.
The fee mentioned on the website is final and it includes 18% GST, courier charges and everything else. Beyond it, there are no discounts.
Any attempt of illegal circulation of content will lead to immediate termination of access to all resources and the fees will not be refunded.
Any attempt to sell Human Peritus content on social media/internet will invite police complaint and subsequent FIR under various provisions of law given below:
- Section 63 of Copyright Act 1957 (knowingly infringes or abets the infringement of the copyright)
- Section 420 (cheating by the way of false representation) under sections 403, 406, 408, 420, 471 and 120-B of Indian Penal Code 1860 for dishonest and illegal misappropriation of money, criminal breach of trust, cheating, fraud and criminal conspiracy to commit fraud
- Section 29, 103 and 104 of Trade Marks Act 1999 (infringement and penalty)
- Section 1(2) read with Section 75 of the Information Technology Act 2000.
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Phone: 9717781110
Address: Human Peritus, Floor 5, Building C, Unitech Cyber Park, Gurgaon, 122002
About Us
Human Peritus specializes in UPSC RT exams like UPSC ALC, EPFO, Admin Officer, Store Officer, marketing officer etc.
Phone: 9717781110
Address: Human Peritus, Floor 5, Building C, Unitech Cyber Park, Gurgaon, 122002
Get in touch, if you want to schedule a face to face meeting with faculty in our Gurgaon office.
Exams we cover
- HR Officer exams for Banks and PSUs
- UPSC RTs- ALC, APFC, EPFO EO/AOI, Admin Officer, store Officer, DRDO, ESIC DD
- Assistant Professor exams Marketing Officer exams for Banks and PSUs
- UPSC Civil Services- Management Optional
- UPSC Prelims- CSAT
- Management (Code 17) - UGC NET
- Commerce (Code 08)- UGC NET
- HRM & Labour Welfare Subject (Code 55)- UGC NET
- UGC NET Paper 1