Syllabus of Labour Enforcement Officer 2023 exam - UPSC
The syllabus of UPSC Labour Enforcement Officer (Central) exam has been discussed on this page. The UPSC conducts a single exam, which has 120 objective-type questions of 2.5 marks each.
The UPSC released notification for the Labour Enforcement Officer (Central) exam on 09 Sep 2022. The detailed notification can be viewed by clicking here. As per this notification, the UPSC has not disclosed the syllabus for the UPSC LEO exam.
To understand, why the UPSC has not included the syllabus in the notification, we need to understand the methodology of UPSC to conduct Recruitment Exams (RTs).
How UPSC conduct Recruitment Exams(RTs) ?
First, the UPSC comes out with the notification with vacancy details, eligibility, number of posts etc. Then candidates apply on the UPSC ORA portal. Then the UPSC checks, how many candidates have applied for the post. If the number of applications is in the few hundreds, then direct interviews are conducted without any written exam.
But, if the number of applicants is large, the UPSC decides to conduct the written exam. How large is this threshold number? As we understand from previous exams, even if this number is above 500, you can expect a written exam.
Let us understand, what happened with the Syllabus of the UPSC LEO exam in 2017.
The notification for Labour Enforcement Officer came out on 25 March 2017. You may check it out here. The last date of application was 13 April 2017. As you may checkout, the notification did not have any details of the syllabus. Then the UPSC came out with another notification in the month of October 2017. This notification has 2 things (i) Exam date of 25 Nov 2017 and (ii) Syllabus for the exam of Labour Enforcement Officer. You may download 2017 syllabus of LEO here.
The syllabus for 2023 exams of UPSC LEO was released by the UPSC in July 2023. The exam date was 10 Aug 2023. The notification of exam date and syllabus can be downloaded here New 2023 Syllabus.
Syllabus of UPSC Labour Enforcement Officer Exam (LEO) 2023
Syllabus for 2023 exam of the UPSC Labour Enforcement Officer (LEO) exam and UPSC ALC exam was disclosed by the UPSC in July 2023. It may be noted that in 2023, the UPSC changed the syllabus for both ALC and LEO exams. The biggest change in the syllabus was the inclusion of Labour Codes and the exclusion of HR/OB/Polity/Natural justice from the syllabus of UPSC ALC/LEO. The UPSC notification on new syllabus can also be downloaded here.
The 2023 Syllabus of UPSC ALC and LEO is given below (new syllabus):
A. Constitutional provisions relating to Labour
1. ‘Labour’ as a subject falls in the Concurrent List with respect to which both Parliament and State Legislatures are competent to enact laws.
2. Significance of Fundamental Rights to worker, employer and the industry.
3. State’s obligation under the Directive Principles of the State Policy to enact laws for the welfare of worker and to provide social security to the worker, with special obligation to protect and promote the rights of working women and children.
B. Industrial Relations
1. The Trade Union Act, 1926
2. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
3. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
C. Social Security
1. The Employees Compensation Act, 1923
2. The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
3. The Unorganized Workers Social Security Act, 2008
4. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
5. The Maternity Benefits Act, 1961
D. Labour Welfare
1. The Factories Act, 1948
2. The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970
3. The Interstate Migrant Workman (RE & CS) Act, 1979
E. Special Legislations relating to Building and Other Construction Workers
1. The Building and Other Constructions Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996
2. The Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1996
F. Wages and Bonus
1. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
2. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
3. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
G. New 4 Labour Codes
1. The Wages Code, 2019
2. The Industrial Relations Code, 2020
3. The Social Security Code, 2020
4. The Industrial Safety and Health Code, 2020
H. Trade Union Movement
I. General Mental Ability
J. Current Events of National and International Importance
Thinking of cracking UPSC LEO exam in 2023?
Do you know during 2017 exam of the UPSC, every 5th successful candidate was a student of Human Peritus?
Old Syllabus of UPSC Labour Enforcement Officer (LEO) exam in 2017
Before 2023, the exam of Labour Enforcement Officer (LEO) was conducted by the UPSC on 25 Nov 2017. The Syllabus of UPSC LEO exam, which was released by the UPSC in 2017 exam is given below. The UPSC notification on 2017 LEO syllabus can also be downloaded here.
2. Social Work and Social Security Laws.
3. Industrial Relations.
4. Human Resource development.
5. Principles of Natural Justice.
6. Trade Union Act.
7. Trade Union Movement.
8. Labour Laws.
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970.
Child Labour (P & R) Act, 1986.
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
Building & Other Construction Workers (RE & CS) Act, 1996.
9. Current Events.
10. Constitution of India.
11. General Mental Ability.
Everything about UPSC ALC/LEO
Eligibility of UPSC LEO
New Syllabus of ALC/LEO 2023
What Human Peritus offers
Cover Syllabus in last 40 days- UPSC ALC
Detailed Solution- 2015 Paper of ALC
Detailed Solution- 2017 Paper of ALC
What to Study- Labour Laws, IR, LW
ALC exam date announced- 20 Aug 2023
What to Study- General Mental Ability
What to Study- Indian Constitution
What to Study- Current Events
Live Discussion on New Syllabus -09 July 2023
How to Prepare for ALC
Weightage of topics in exam
Old Syllabus of UPSC ALC
Live Session on ALC/LEO- 20 July 2023
Expected Cut off in exam
Live Session on ALC/LEO- 13 July 2023
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Phone: 9717781110
Address: Human Peritus, Floor 5, Building C, Unitech Cyber Park, Gurgaon, 122002
Let us learn from success stories....
Sakshi Chugh- UPSC ALC 2017
Sanjeet Kumar- UPSC ALC 2017 exam
Bhupender Yadav- EPFO exam 2021
FAQs- Good to Read- UPSC Labour Enforcement Officer Exam
What exactly we do at Human Peritus, to make you crack exams?
Conceptual Learning
Our Live Classes are not just 30,000 feet overview, but with detailed conceptual understanding spanning over 200 hours. Check out some of recorded classes to understand how we teach. (videos are given in the middle of this page).
Coverage of Syllabus
We ensure 100% coverage of Syllabus. With Human Peritus course, you need not touch any other book, not even previous years’ papers. Not even required current affairs. Nothing else. You can depend completely on us.
Smart Preparation
While on the one hand, we ensure 100% coverage and confidence of having more than 85-90% questions in the exam, on the other hand, we also ensure that you study only what is required for the exam. For instance, although you will study the Factories Act in only 14 pages in our booklet, still will have the confidence of facing any question in the exam, as if you have studied 74 pages of the published act.
Success Stories
Thousands of students have realized their dream with Human Peritus. Check out video experiences of hundreds of such students by Clicking Here.
Regular Updates
After every exam, we analyze, how many questions came from our course. Then we update our course accordingly (and this cycle continues with each exam). By doing it over the years, we have reached a stage, where consistently more than 85-90% of questions are from our course. In 2017 exam of UPSC, out of 120 questions, more than 100 questions were from the course of Human Peritus. Check out Nov 2017 Exam Analysis, where we have mapped every question to its source in Human Peritus Study Material.
Online Question Bank
One of the key enablers to get you success is our Online Question Bank. Each of these 7000 questions is with not only answer but with a detailed explanation. It is Super Important to go through detailed explanation of every question (objective is not to assess you but to make you learn concept). This is the reason, why we repeatedly keep emphasizing that only reading our printed booklets is not sufficient. You MUST go through these 7000 questions.
These 7000 questions are further divided into around 100-125 subtopics. This gives you the flexibility to focus on only those areas, where you feel the need.
OK, give me few reasons, why I should NOT choose Human Peritus?
Since the inception of Human Peritus in 2011, our preparation approach has been quite traditional. First, we do a lot of research in analyzing the “boundary” of the syllabus by looking at PYQ’s. Then within that boundary, we provide “maximum possible coverage” of the concepts. What we do not do, is to try to find out what is more important or less important within that boundary. We study everything like a dedicated student. We make things “concise” but we don’t “leave out” things.
We believe that nobody can guess important questions in objective exams (yes, we can identify some of the most repeating ones; but is that sufficient for cracking UPSC exam?….NO). The only way to secure prestigious job of UPSC is to cover the full syllabus within the boundary >> Then practice a lot of questions from that topic >> and you are ready for that topic. So, if you are enrolling with Human Peritus with the hope that we know important questions, which will come in the exam, DO NOT JOIN US.
Like all the good things in the world, preparation takes time. We do not have any magical formula to cover everything in 1 month. We make a plan >> we follow the plan >> we expect you to do what we advise you >> and you are ready for the exam. If you do not have the time and patience of at least 3-4 months, DO NOT JOIN US.
Our Faculty members will only “teach” in class. Very less time is spent on “Gyan” or “motivation” or “making you like videos”. We understand that you are grown-up Post-Graduate students and we treat you like that. Our only objective is to give you the confidence of 100% coverage of the syllabus and teachers spend time on that only. If you are expecting classes to be full of “stand-up comedy”, DO NOT JOIN US.
Our approach has worked well in previous RT exams of UPSC like ALC, LEO, ESIC DD, EPFO, Admin Officer etc. And we are pretty confident that this “4 Step preparation plan” will work in coming UPSC Labour Enforcement Officer exam as well.
The UPSC has provided only High Level Syllabus. How Human Peritus will make sure that 100% syllabus is covered, when there is no boundary of the syllabus?
We have designed this course for UPSC Labour Enforcement Officer after a detailed analysis of all Recruitment exams (RTs) of UPSC. For example, the syllabus has the keyword “General Mental Ability”. We identified all other exams of UPSC, which have this keyword in their syllabus. Then we looked at every question of that paper. Only then, we decided what should be the boundary of the syllabus of the “General Mental Ability”.
We strongly advise you to check out this topic wise analysis at this link
How can I compare and find out, which coaching institute is best for me?
You should be looking for these 5 points, while evaluating any institute:
1. Teaching or Gyan
Check if you are getting just 30,000 feet overview or detailed conceptual learning. If you have attended a 2-hour class on “Motivation Theories”, do you have the confidence to tackle every possible question on this topic? Also, check how much time is spent on actual teaching and how much on “motivating you to like videos” or “promoting their courses”.
2. Mentorship
Are you joining a team, which can guide you throughout your preparation journey? Give a call and ask for a discussion with a faculty member. Ask that faculty some real questions, like:
- Is XYZ Act part of the syllabus?
- Do I have to study new labour codes?
- What has been the trend of cut-offs?
- Which topics can I ignore or focus on more?
- Which topics in the syllabus have relevance to current affairs?
Assess the quality of telephonic discussion. See if you are getting connected to a “sales guy” or an “academic mentor and guide”.
3. Interaction in Class
Check if students are able to ask doubts in the class by speaking/discussing or you have been given just a chat option. Attend a few demo classes to understand this.
4. Study Material
No exam can be cleared by just listening to what the teacher says. After every class, it is mandatory to read that topic from the books. Check whether you are getting study material covering all the keywords of the syllabus. Most of the time, you will be getting random PDF files or pdf of class notes. Check if you are getting this confidence that you don’t have to look at any other book.
5. Previous Results
Check previous results of the institute.
Do I need coaching classes or only study material is sufficient for me?
From a coverage point of view, the Study Material will give you 100% coverage, but the probability of selection is much higher (4 times) in video classes program, because of the following reasons:
(i) a Large number of topics require conceptual clarity, which will need a teacher to make it easier, like Labour Laws, OB Theories, Numerical Aptitude.
(iii) If it takes x hours to prepare without a teacher, then it will take only 0.4x hours with a teacher. Since time for UPSC LEO exam is limited, you need someone to make it quicker for you.
(iv) You get into discipline because now someone else is pushing you towards completion of the syllabus (this is the biggest contributor)
(v) While teaching, the teacher explains how questions are framed from a given topic.
Why Human Peritus is not teaching 'Current Affairs' topic in Video Classes ?
Our analysis says that the Current Affairs for UPSC LEO exam is quite static and theoretical. There is no need to teach it, as there is nothing conceptual. We expect that you should be able to understand and memorize by reading our printed booklets. Since the current affairs are factual in nature, the teacher does not add any value by reading that out in a class. You can read it yourself. In fact if you can cover 10 issues by self reading in X time, the teacher will be able to cover just 2-3 issues in X time.
Please note that, there is no need to refer newspapers or any other source for current affairs. You can completely depend upon us. Our booklets are sufficient. However, it is advisable to keep reading at least 1 newspaper, as it helps you in interview as well.
What if, I receive the packet and I find that few booklets are missing or lost?
Although, our team, carefully packs the content, before despatch, sometimes, we may also commit mistakes.
If you find that, any booklet is missing or there are two booklets with same topic, there is no need to worry. Please write an email to us. Immediately, we will send you another courier with missing booklets.
Please note that, there is no need to panic. Our relationship with you does not end with despatch of courier. Our team will continuously assist you till exam time by (a) updating new content on online platform (b) handling your queries on any syllabus topic (c) we also do few free preparation tips classes in last 2 months of exam.
What if the UPSC makes some changes in the Syllabus of LEO exam?
There are remote chances of changes in syllabus. Even if it will happen, the changes are expected to be minor. For example, labour codes might be included in the syllabus.
If there is any change in the syllabus, it is our responsibility to support you with additional content. We will support you fully till the exam day.