Syllabus of IBPS SO Marketing exam
When it comes to the IBPS Specialist Officer (SO) Marketing exam, the syllabus has remained a well-guarded secret, never officially disclosed by IBPS. However, there’s a way to navigate this challenge and define the syllabus limits – by delving into previous exam papers. Yet, it’s worth noting that IBPS never releases these question papers for SO Marketing Officer, as the exam is conducted online, maintaining its confidentiality.
While various websites attempt to present the syllabus of the IBPS SO Marketing officer, these offerings are largely rooted in guesswork and an analysis of past papers, gleaned from student recollections post-exam.
So, how can one establish the syllabus boundaries without access to official guidelines or prior papers?
At Human Peritus, we have diligently collated and analyzed annual question patterns, relying on the memories of our students. This process has enabled us to outline a boundary of the syllabus for IBPS SO Marketing exam.
Contrary to the common belief that a thorough reading of Philip Kotler’s Marketing Management suffices, it’s imperative to debunk this misconception. The IBPS SO Marketing paper comprises only 70% content from Kotler, leaving the remaining 40% to be sourced from alternative sources/topics “(topics 2 to 6 covers remaining 30%). Check out the video in the middle of this page to understand this point in detail about syllabus analysis of IBPS SO Marketing exam.
Based on a meticulous evaluation of past exam papers, our analysis has crystallized the IBPS SO Marketing syllabus into the following sub-topics:
1. Marketing Management (covers 60% syllabus)
2. Marketing Research
3. Strategic Management
4. Digital Marketing
5. Consumer Behaviour
6. Specific areas like Forecasting Methods, Logos and Taglines, Market Structures, and more.
Thus, as we delve deeper into the IBPS SO Marketing examination, a pivotal realization emerges – approximately 60% of the paper draws from Philip Kotler’s seminal work, “Marketing Management.” However, the crux of the matter lies in selecting the most pertinent edition of Kotler’s book. Are you aware that the variations between different editions of the same book can be substantial (check out just index page of 14th edition and 16th edition) ? Notably, disparities exist not only between two editions but also within the confines of a single edition, spanning Indian edition and USA edition of Kotler. It’s noteworthy that questions come from any of these editions, adding a layer of complexity to the exam dynamics. Complexity is:
How many Kotlers can we cover ? Which ones?
It is advised to cover at least two editions of Kotler.
Cracking the IBPS SO Marketing exam requires a strategic approach that surpasses standard perceptions and dives into the nuances that define each subject area. Check out the Syllabus of IBPS SO Marketing given below.
1. Introduction to Marketing- Concepts and Approaches
Customer Needs, Wants and Demands
Marketing Orientations
Holistic Marketing
Marketing Mix
Recent Trends in Marketing
2. Developing Marketing Strategy
Business Portfolio Strategies
Marketing Strategy
Porter Generic Strategies
Value Chain Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Marketing Plan
Marketing Control
3. Marketing Information and Forecasting
Analyzing Marketing Environment
Marketing Information System
Demand Forecasting
Estimating Current and Future Demand
4. Marketing Research
Process of Marketing Research
Research Instruments
Sampling Plan
Measuring Marketing Productivity
5. Consumer Behaviour and Industrial Markets
Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour
Consumers’ Buying Decision Process
Consumers’ Buying Decision Behaviour
Buyer Decision Process in New Products
Theories of Consumer Behaviour
Business Buyer Behaviour
Business Buyer Behaviour Model
6. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Market Segmentation
Market Targeting
Differentiation and Positioning
7. Product Decisions
Product Levels
Product Classification
Product Decisions
New Product Development
Product Adoption Process
Product Life Cycle
8. Pricing Decisions
Pricing Strategies
New Product Pricing Strategies
Product Mix Pricing Strategies
Price-Adjustment Strategies
Price Changes
Public Policy and Pricing
Pricing during PLC
9. Services Marketing
Types of Service Marketing
Managing Service Marketing
Gap Analysis
10. Distribution Decisions
Channel Management
Channel Conflict
Channel Integration and Systems
Logistics Management
International Logistics Management
Supply Chain Management
Retail Management
Retail Marketing Decision
Recent trends in Retail in India
Wholesale Marketing Decision
11. Promotion Decisions
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
Marketing Communication Process
Promotion Budget
Promotion Mix Strategies
Advertising Management
Sales Promotion
Sales Promotion Program
Personal Selling
Direct Marketing
12. Brand Management
Brand Equity Models
Brand Elements
Designing Brand Strategy
Brand Portfolios
Managing Brand Equity
13. Marketing Ethics
Marketing Ethics
Product Related Ethics
Price Related Ethics
Place Related Ethics
Promotion Related Ethics
Consumer Protection
14. Managing Marketing Organization and Control
Organizing Marketing Department
Marketing Implementation and Control
15. Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
16. Social and Not-for-Profit Marketing
Socially Responsible Behaviour
Cause-Related Marketing
Sustainable Marketing
Marketing & Environmental Concerns
Social Marketing
Not-for-Profit Marketing
17. Customer Value and Customer Relationship Management
Customer Value
Customer Lifetime Value
Customer Profitability
Customer Loyalty
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Relationship Management
Database Marketing
18. International Marketing
International Marketing Decisions
Types of Global Firms
19. Competition Analysis
Analyzing Competition
Competitive Marketing Strategies
Competitive Positions
Balancing Customer and Competitor Orientations
1. Strategic Management – Concept and Types
Levels of Strategy
Forms of Strategy
Process of Strategy
2. External Analysis
PESTEL Framework
Porter’s 5 Forces
Impact Matrix
Strategic Group Mapping
3. Internal Analysis
Competitive Advantage
Critical Success Factors
Value Chain Analysis
SWOT Analysis
SFAS Matrix
Strategic Advantage Profile (SAP)
4. Business Strategies
Generic Competitive Strategies
First Mover Advantages
Cooperative Strategies
Industry Life Cycle
5. Corporate Strategies
Growth Strategy
Stability Strategy
Retrenchment Strategy
Combination Strategy
Turnaround Management
6. Business Portfolio Analysis
BCG’s Matrix
Internal-External (IE) Matrix
GE McKinsey Matrix
Experience Curve
Grand Strategy Matrix
SPACE Matrix
7. Strategy Implementation and Evaluation
Strategy Implementation
Strategy and Structure
Strategy Evaluation and Control
Control Mechanisms
Strategic Incentive Management
McKinsey’s 7S Model
8. Management of Strategic Change
Barriers to Change
Models of strategic change
Change Requirements
1. Introduction to Marketing Research
Marketing Research Process
Types of Marketing Research
Sources of Marketing Research
2. Research Problem and Research Approach
Research Problem
Research Approach
3. Research Design
Classifications of Research Design
Other Research Types
Errors in Research Design
4. Secondary Data Analysis
Types of Data
Types of Secondary Data
Data Mining
Geodemographic Data Analysis
Customer Relationship Management
Big Data
Web Analytics
5. Qualitative Research: Approaches
Ethnographic Research
Grounded Theory
Case Study
Action Research
6. Qualitative Research: Techniques and Analysis
Focus Group
In-depth interview
Projective techniques
Data Analysis for Qualitative research
Approaches to Data Analysis
7. Survey Method and Observation
Modes of Survey Questionnaire
Evaluation of the Survey Methods
Sources of Errors in Surveys
Observation Techniques
Types of Observation Techniques
8. Causal Research and Experimentation
Experiment Method
Steps of Experimental method
Types of Extraneous Variables
Controlling Extraneous Variables
Other issues in Experimental Design
Classification of Experimental designs
Laboratory and Field Experiments
Basic versus Factorial Experimental Designs
Test Marketing
9. Measurement and Scaling
Measurement and Scaling
Scale characteristics
Types of Scales
Nature of Scales
Types of Scaling techniques
Multi Item Scale
Scale Evaluation
10. Questionnaire Design
Basic Considerations in Questionnaire Design
Questionnaire Design Process
11. Sampling and Hypothesis Testing
Process of Sampling Design
Classification of Sampling Techniques
Sampling Distribution
Hypothesis Testing
Type I and Type II Errors
Process of Hypothesis Testing
12. Data Analysis Approaches
Factor Analysis
Cluster Analysis
Multidimensional Scaling
Conjoint Analysis
13. Forecasting Techniques
Forecasting Methods
Qualitative Forecasts
Time Series Forecasting
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Regression
Seasonal Adjustments
Accuracy of Forecast
14. Marketing Report Preparation
15. Ethics in Marketing Research
1. Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy
2. Motivation, Ability and Opportunity
Consumer Motivation
Consumer Ability
Consumer Opportunity
3. Perception and Comprehension
Sensory Marketing
4. Memory, Knowledge and Learning
Memory Enhancement Techniques
Knowledge Content
Knowledge Structure
Knowledge Flexibility
Memory and Retrieval
5. High and Low Effort based Attitudes
Attitudes based on High Efforts
Attitudes Based on Low Efforts
Theories of Attitudes
Changing Attitudes
6. Process of Making Decisions
Problem Recognition
Information Search
Choosing among alternatives
High Effort Judgment and Decision Making
Low Effort Judgment and Decision Making
Purchase Decisions
Consumer Problems
Organizational Buying Decisions
7. Post-Decision Processes
Model of Learning from Consumer Experience
Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction Judgments
Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction based on Feelings
Responses to Dissatisfaction
8. Social Influences and Consumer Diversity
Social Influences
Social Power and Group Influences
Reference Groups
Consumer Socialization
Normative and Informational Influence
Consumer Diversity
Household and Social Class Influences
9. Psychographics Components
10. Innovations, Adoption, Resistance and Diffusion
Classification of Innovations
Resistance versus Adoption
Influences on Adoption, Resistance, and Diffusion
Fashion System
11. Symbolic Consumer Behaviour
Emblematic Function
Role Acquisition Function
Connectedness Function
Expressiveness Function
Special Brands and Possessions
Gift Giving
12. Fundamentals of Economics
Demand and Supply analysis
Consumer Behaviour
Production Theory
Market Structure
1. Introducing Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
Characteristics of Digital Media
e-Commerce and e-Business
Benefits of Digital Media
Challenges of Digital Communications
2. Analysis of Environment
Situation Analysis
Customer Analysis
Consumer Buying Process
Competitor Analysis
Channel Structure
Business Model
Revenue Models
Macro Environment
Legal and Ethical Environment
3. Digital Marketing Strategy
Strategy Formulation
Online Revenue Contribution
Strategy Implementation and Control
4. Digital Marketing and Marketing Mix
People, Process, and Physical evidence
5. Customer Relationship Management
Customer Lifecycle Management
6. Customer Experience
Website Development Process
Analysis and Design of Website
Development and Testing
Service Quality
7. Digital Campaign Planning
Digital Marketing Campaigns
8. Marketing Communications
Steps of Online advertising
Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Optimisation
Paid Search Marketing
Display Advertising
Online Public Relations
Affiliate Marketing
Email Marketing
Mobile Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Offline Promotion Techniques
9. Evaluation of Digital Marketing
Web Analytics
Google Analytics
10. Emerging Technologies
Cloud Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Expert Systems
Fuzzy Logic
Neural Network
Big Data
Blockchain and Bitcoins
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Syllabus of IBPS SO Marketing
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