- UGC NET- Live Classes commencing from 10 Feb - Enroll Now
* Make sure to read all FAQs before Payment
2 - includes PYQs and Mocks
10 Printed Books- couriered at home
Online e-Books on LMS
PYQs solved from 2009 to 2024 - online
5 Fresh Mock Tests-online
Doubt Clearing System- 1 day response time
* Make sure to read all FAQs before Payment
3 - includes Coaching
10 Printed Books- couriered at home
Online e-Books on LMS
PYQs solved from 2009 to 2024 - online
5 Fresh Mock Tests-online
Doubt Clearing System- 1 day response time
Video Classes- recorded
Ongoing Live Classes
* Make sure to read all FAQs before Payment
Depend Completely Upon us
From Start To Finish
Human Peritus is one stop solution for everything, which you need to crack UGC NET in HRM (code 55).
- Market Leader in HR and Labout Laws in India
- 1000s of students cracked UGC NET since 2011
- Trusted guide for other exams too like HR officer, UPSC ALC

FAQs- Must Read before you enroll
Following 10 Printed Booklets will be couriered:
1. Business Management and Organizational Behaviour
2. Human Resources Management
3. Labour Laws Part-1
4. Labour Laws Part-2
5. Industrial Relations
6. Labour Welfare
7. Part A- Paper 1
8. Part B- Paper 1
9. Part C- Paper 1
10. Part D- Paper 1
If you want to prepare with self study with 100% coverage of syllabus- Choose option 2.
If you want to cover syllabus in shorter time with assistance of video classes- Choose option 3.
In terms of coverage, Option 2 provides 100% coverage of the syllabus. However, the probability of selection is significantly higher with video classes for several reasons:
(i) Many topics necessitate conceptual clarity (like labour laws, OB, Indian Logic), which is more effectively imparted by a teacher.
(ii) With a teacher’s guidance, the preparation time is reduced to 40% of the time required without one, making it faster for you.
We have a robust system for clarification of doubts.
You can ask your doubts not only via text, but also via a photo of handwritten paper, or voice note or even a video. Just ensure that the teacher is able to understand, what you are asking.
All doubts will be answered within 1 working day.
Printed books are a concise version, while online e-books have detailed explanations of concepts with examples. Additionally, online e-books include more illustrations, numericals, and diagrams for better clarity.
Ideally, you should be reading from printed books, and whenever you get stuck, refer to the e-book for that particular topic.
Although 100% of the course syllabus is covered in recorded video classes, we also continuously conduct live classes.
If you are enrolled in Option 2, you will receive the class schedule every Friday, detailing the upcoming classes for the following week. You are welcome to attend these live classes.
You can also cover the syllabus through recorded video classes. If any doubts arise, feel free to make use of the doubt clearing facility.
The Learning Management System (LMS) is accessible via the browser on any desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device. However, for optimal learning, it is advisable to use a desktop or laptop. Please note that only one login is allowed at a time.
Access to LMS will be for 1 year from the date of payment.
The fee mentioned on the website is final and it includes 18% GST, courier charges and everything else. Beyond it, there are no discounts.
Any attempt of illegal circulation of content will lead to immediate termination of access to all resources and the fees will not be refunded.
Any attempt to sell Human Peritus content on social media/internet will invite police complaint and subsequent FIR under various provisions of law given below:
- Section 63 of Copyright Act 1957 (knowingly infringes or abets the infringement of the copyright)
- Section 420 (cheating by the way of false representation) under sections 403, 406, 408, 420, 471 and 120-B of Indian Penal Code 1860 for dishonest and illegal misappropriation of money, criminal breach of trust, cheating, fraud and criminal conspiracy to commit fraud
- Section 29, 103 and 104 of Trade Marks Act 1999 (infringement and penalty)
- Section 1(2) read with Section 75 of the Information Technology Act 2000.
What Our Students Say
Kanishka Garg
Hello everyone! I have scored 100 percentile in June NTA UGC NET Code-55 subject for which the results were announced on 13th July 2019. I secured AIR-1 in my first attempt and owe my success to Human Peritus Team.
Nautiyal Tribhuwan
Hello everyone, here I like to share my experience with Human Peritus. My name is Tribhuwan Dev Nautiyal and currently I am working with ONGC as an HR Executive (E1 Level), CPF No 137413. I owe my success to a large extent to Human Peritus. My journey begins in 2015 when
Ujjwal Mishra
I’m from vizag. I have purchased your study material recently and I have qualified for JRF for the subject code 55 (labour welfare) in the first attempt itself. I sincerely thank human peritus for guiding me and being a part in my success. Hope this support continues in my future endeavors.
Let us hear from success stories
Over last few years, hundreds of students have cracked UGC NET in HRM (Code 55) with Human Peritus. We have interviewed some of them for you. Obviously they may speak nice words about Human Peritus. But, we have something else in mind, while advising you to watch these toppers.
The students have shared interesting insights about preparation strategy. All of them are from different backgrounds. You will find that your story is related to many of them. Some are working professionals, some are busy mothers, some are second year students, some are weak in Paper 1, others in Paper 2, some are bored with corporate jobs, while some others are scared of Labour Laws, others do not like OB theories. Hear them to understand, how they did it. (Keep scrolling right)
Expert Faculty in HRM and LW

UGC NET in HRM and Commerce both, Labour laws expert

PhD from IIT Roorke, NET JRF

JRF in Code 55, PhD from FMS

And many more……
About Us
Human Peritus specializes in Management and Labour Laws. Thousands of students have cracked UGC NET with Human Peritus since 2011.
Phone: 9717781110
Email: contact@humanperitus.com
Address: Human Peritus, Floor 5, Building C, Unitech Cyber Park, Gurgaon, 122002
Get in touch, if you want to schedule a face to face meeting with faculty in our Gurgaon office.
Exams We Cover
- HRM & Labour Welfare Subject (Code 55)- UGC NET
- Management (Code 17) - UGC NET
- Commerce (Code 08)- UGC NET
- UGC NET Paper 1
- Assistant Professor exams
- Marketing Officer exams for Banks and PSUs
- HR Officer exams for Banks and PSUs
- UPSC Civil Services- Management Optional
- UPSC Prelims- CSAT
- UPSC RTs- ALC, APFC, EPFO EO/AOI, Admin Officer, store Officer, DRDO, ESIC DD
Everything about UGC NET in HRM
Syllabus HRM Paper 2
Download Syllabus of Paper 2 of UGC NET in HRM and LW (Code 55) …..
Download Previous Years’ Papers
All Previous Years Question Papers (PYQs) from 2009 to 2024 are available with Answer Key …..
Cut off in recent exams
Check out Cut Off in recent exams for UGC NET in HRM on previous exams …..
Understand the recent major changes in the eligibility for both PG students and 4 Years Degree students for UGC NET…..
Exam Pattern
Pattern of Paper, number of questions, marking scheme, negative marketing etc for UGC NET in Human Resources (Code 55) exam…..
Age Limit
Age Limit for various categories in UGC NET, as notified since June 2024 …..
Syllabus – Paper 1
Check out detailed Syllabus of Paper 1 of UGC NET, as prescribed by the UGC NET …..
Previous Years’ Papers- Paper 1
Download All Previous Years Question Papers (PYQs) from 2009 to 2024, for Paper 1 of UGC NET, with Answer Key …..
Anything else
Get in Touch with Our Team at Human Peritus and we will do our best to support you …..