Exam Pattern of UGC NET in Commerce
The UGC NET Exam in Commerce happens two times a year, in June and December. It’s a key exam for students, who are aiming a career in academics. This is eligibility exam.
Let us understand everything about exam pattern of this UGC NET in Commerce.
Frequency of Exam
The UGC NET in Commerce examination is conducted twice a year, usually in June and December.
Two Papers in Exam
This UGC NET in Commerce examination comprises 2 papers, each with its distinct focus. Paper 1 assesses candidates’ teaching and research aptitude in general, while Paper 2 delves into specific subject domains related to commerce.
Paper 2: Commerce Knowledge
When we delve into the syllabus for Paper 2 of UGC NET in Commerce, we discover ten essential units covering various aspects of business management and related subjects.
- Unit 1. Business Environment and International Business
- Unit 2. Accounting and Auditing
- Unit 3. Business Economics
- Unit 4. Business Finance
- Unit 5. Business Statistics and Research Methods
- Unit 6: Business Management and Human Resource Management
- Unit 7: Banking and Financial Institutions
- Unit 8: Marketing Management
- Unit 9: Legal Aspects of Business
- Unit 10: Income-tax and Corporate Tax Planning
Paper 1: General Aptitude
On the other hand, Paper 1 of UGC NET in Commerce encompasses ten units as well, each focusing on different aspects necessary for effective teaching and research roles.
- Unit 1: Teaching Aptitude
- Unit 2: Research Aptitude
- Unit 3: Comprehension
- Unit 4: Communication
- Unit 5: Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude
- Unit 6: Logical Reasoning
- Unit 7: Data Interpretation
- Unit 8: Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Unit 9: People, Development and Environment
- Unit 10: Higher Education System
Exam Duration
During the UGC NET in Commerce examination, candidates are allotted a total of 3 hours to complete both papers without any breaks.
Number of Questions
Paper 1 consists of 50 questions, while Paper 2 contains 100 questions. Each question carries a value of 2 marks. Thus, maximum marks are 300.
No Negative Marking
There is no negative marking in the UGC NET in Commerce examination, which means candidates can attempt all questions without the fear of losing marks for incorrect answers.
Qualification Criteria
To qualify for the UGC NET in Commerce, candidates must score a minimum of 40% for the Unreserved category and 35% for other categories in both Paper 1 and Paper 2. Successful candidates open doors to opportunities in Assistant Professorship, with the top 6% also becoming eligible for Junior Research Fellowships (JRF).
Paper based Format
Over the years, the format of the UGC NET examination has evolved to meet changing needs. Initially conducted in pen-and-paper mode until June 2019, it shifted to online Computer-Based Testing (CBT) mode from 2019 to December 2023. However, in April 2024, the UGC reverted back to an OMR-based format starting from June 2024. These modifications aim to ensure a fair and effective evaluation process while keeping pace with technological advancements.
Understand the recent major changes in the eligibility for both PG students and 4 Years Degree students for UGC NET…..
Exam Pattern
Pattern of Paper, number of questions, marking scheme, negative marketing etc for UGC NET in Commerce exam…..
Age Limit
Age Limit for various categories in UGC NET, as notified since June 2024 …..
Syllabus – Paper 1
Check out detailed Syllabus of Paper 1 of UGC NET, as prescribed by the UGC NET …..
Previous Years’ Papers- Paper 1
Download All Previous Years Question Papers (PYQs) from 2009 to 2024, for Paper 1 of UGC NET, with Answer Key …..
Anything else
Get in Touch with Our Team at Human Peritus and we will do our best to support you …..
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Human Peritus is one stop solution for everything, which you need to crack UGC NET in Commerce subject (code 08).
- Specializes in Commerce subject
- 1000s of students cracked UGC NET since 2011
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Changes in Eligibility from June 2024
Category System- UGC NET
Cut Off in Commerce
June 2020 Paper Analysis
June 2019 Exam Analysis
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June 2020 Paper Analysis
June 2019 Exam Analysis
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What Our Students Say
Sheetal Rajput
Hello team This is to thank you people for helping me out for the last minute preparation i did for the NTA NET-JRF exam for COMMERCE conducted in June 2019. I took admission in PhD in DU last year, so had to earn JRF for pursuing it more smoothly. a big thanks to the team of Human Peritus. You guys are doing an amazing job. Keep it up. More success to you team. ☺️
Puja Chakraborty
A big heartfelt thanks to the Human peritus Team for their wonderful support & guidance throughout the period, Finally I cracked the NET for commerce after taking HumanPeritus study Material. I’m very happy and thankful to the entire team of Human Peritus.
Priya Nangia
I have taken study material of commerce from human peritus for December’19, And I just wanted to inform and thank human peritus as I cleared JRF in single attempt. I will surely recommend your study material to my fellows.
Let us hear from success stories
Over last few years, hundreds of students have cracked UGC NET in Commerce with Human Peritus. We have interviewed some of them for you. Obviously they may speak nice words about Human Peritus. But, we have something else in mind, while advising you to watch these toppers.
The students have shared interesting insights about preparation strategy. All of them are from different backgrounds. You will find that your story is related to many of them. Some are working professionals, some are busy mothers, some are second year students, some are weak in Paper 1, others in Paper 2, some are bored with corporate jobs, while some others are scared of Accounting, others do not like OB theories. Hear them to understand, how they did it. (Keep scrolling right)
About Us
Human Peritus specializes in Management and Commerce. Thousands of students have cracked UGC NET with Human Peritus since 2011.
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Get in touch, if you want to schedule a face to face meeting with faculty in our Gurgaon office.
Exams We Cover
- Management (Code 17) - UGC NET
- Commerce (Code 08)- UGC NET
- HRM & Labour Welfare Subject (Code 55)- UGC NET
- UGC NET Paper 1
- Assistant Professor exams
- Marketing Officer exams for Banks and PSUs
- HR Officer exams for Banks and PSUs
- UPSC Civil Services- Management Optional
- UPSC Prelims- CSAT
- UPSC RTs- ALC, APFC, EPFO EO/AOI, Admin Officer, store Officer, DRDO, ESIC DD