This page will give you complete information on ESIC Deputy Director exam 2021, including syllabus, eligibility, expected cut off, expected exam dates, preparation strategy etc. Still, if you have something else on your mind, immediately contact us through chat or call. You will receive response within 24 hours.

Syllabus of exam

The Syllabus, as prescribed by the UPSC, has following topics:

PART-A: To test the candidates understanding of English language & workmanlike use of words.

PART-B: It will have following topics.
i) Principles of Human Resource Management.
ii) Principles of Marketing Management.
iii) Principles of Accounting & Financial Management.
iv) Right to Information Act.
v) Numerical Ability & Logical Reasoning.
vi) Fundamentals of Computer Application.
vii) General Science.
viii) Public Administration and Development Issues.
ix) Freedom Movement & Indian Union.
x) Current Events of National and International Importance.

Please note that, there will be total of 120 questions out of them 20 questions will be from Part A (English Language).

Exam Pattern and Time Management

UPSC ESIC Deputy Director will be objective type exam with 120 questions to be done in 120 minutes. Each question will have equal marks. There is provision of one-third negative marking. 

The weightage of topics keeps varying in UPSC RT exams. Do not go with any preconceived notion. The broad guess is that: 

English= 15 to 20 questions 

HRM= 5 to 10 questions 

Marketing Management= 5 to 10 questions 

Accounting= 5 to 10 questions 

Financial Management= 5 to 10 questions 

RTI = 2-3 questions 

Numerical Ability & Logical Reasoning= 10 to 15 questions 

Fundamentals of Computer Application= 5 to 10 questions 

General Science= 5 to 15 questions 

Public Administration and Development Issues= 5 to 10 questions 

Freedom Movement & Indian Union= 5 to 15 questions 

Current Events of National and International Importance= 5 to 10 questions

How to start Preparation - Preparation Strategy

First thing first, take a print out of syllabus. Start from first topic and cover ALL topics. 

Although, there is so much gyan (read clutter) on internet on important topics and frequently asked questions, this DOES NOT work. Cover 100% syllabus. We are advising this, based on our experience of last 8 years. 

Preparation time of 3-4 months is sufficient for an average student.

In below videos, we have built detailed topic wise strategy for complete Syllabus.

Anything else, you want to ask, immediately “Contact Us”. Response within 24 hours.

Part 2: General Science

Part 3: Human Resource Management

Part 4:  Marketing Management

Part 5: Comupter Application

Part 6: Accounting

Part 7:  Numerical Ability & LR

Part 8: Financial Management

Part 9: Indian Union

Part 10:  English Language

Part 11: Current Affairs

Part 12: Right to Information

Prepare with Human Peritus

Exam Date and other FAQs

We have assisted students for many recruitment exams of UPSC like UPSC ALC, EPFO, Admin officers and have good experience with UPSC Recruitment exams. After analyzing at least 17-18 recruitment exams of UPSC, we can see that, there has not been even a single exam which has been conducted in 3-4 months, from last date of application. The minimum time is 5 months and average time is 8-9 months.  You might look at some examples:

UPSC ALC- Last date of application: Dec 2016, Date of exam: Nov 2017
Sr Admin Officer DRDO- Last date of application: Sep 2015, Date of exam: May 2016
Sr Admin Officer DRDO- Last date of application: Dec 2014, Date of exam: May 2015
Admin Officer BRO- Last date of application: Sep 2018, Date of exam: Aug 2019
Admin Officer GSI- Last date of application: Apr 2018, Date of exam: Sep 2019
UPSC APFC – Last date of application: June 2015, Date of exam: Jan 2016

Considering the availability of RT schedule of UPSC and previous history, our best guess is that this exam will not be held before Feb-March 2022. This is the earliest time frame.  To be realistic, it will be around summers of 2022.

Although, to our experience, the exam can not happen so early, still if it happens, accordingly we will also make some changes in the preparation strategy. For example:

  1. We will start mock tests earlier than planned date of 19 Dec.
  2. We might have to teach you for longer hours during weekend or in rare circumstances, we might to have arrange some classes in the working hours (but our commitment of completing syllabus will be 100% honoured, even if we need to teach you whole nights). You are expected to have flexibility in this matter.

First thing, we teach in classes in detail. Even if you do not have any background in a particular topic, we try to ensure that you feel comfortable in class. You can verify this claim by looking at some recorded classes in the middle of this page.

Now, if we teach entire course in live classes, it will take around 450-500 hours. Considering that fact that all of you are working professionals, you have not more than 15 free hours per week available with you. To complete syllabus in 4 months, we have around 250 hours available with us.

So, we decided to include only those topics in live classes, where there is more need of conceptual understanding. 

Financial Management (30 hours), Accounting (40 hours), Marketing (20 hours), HR, OB, Public Ad (80 hours), Numerical Ability & Logical Reasoning (40 hours), Computer Applications (15 hours), RTI (2 hours).

We excluded following from the live classes, with assumption that, you will be able to cover them from our study material and recorded videos without attending live classes.

Freedom Struggle (50 hours), Polity (50 hours), Gen Science (80 hours), English (30 hours), Current Affairs & Development Issues (200 hours).

But Please note 2  things:

1. Even for these excluded topics, you will get recorded videos of all topics, because we have taught these topics earlier (except Current affairs and development)

2. Our Study Material, even for these excluded topics will be sufficient and you can depend 100% on it. 

So you do not have to touch anything else. You do not have to read NCERT Science or Laxmikant or anything else. You also need not look at any previous paper. We have it all covered for you, in our course.


We have designed this course for ESIC Dy. Director after a detailed analysis of other Recruitment exams of UPSC. For example, the syllabus has the keyword “Indian Union”. We identified all other exams of UPSC, which have this keyword in their syllabus. Then we looked at every question of that paper. Only then, we decided what should be the boundary of the syllabus of the “Indian Union”.

Consider another example, the Syllabus has the keyword “Computer Applications”. We all will agree that topics like Computer Architecture, Software, Internet, Malware, MS Office etc will be part of the syllabus. But, What about SDLC ? What about base conversion ? What about DBMS and Normalization? Emerging technologies like Cloud Computing, AI, IoT, Big Data? Only after thorough analysis, we have compiled course of Computer Applications for ESIC Dy. Director.

Similarly, for every topic, we have decided on the syllabus. Of course, there are a lot of assumptions by our team. But this is the best approach, what we can do. And this has worked earlier. In Nov 2017 exam of UPSC Assistant Labour Comm, we used the same approach and more than 100 questions (out of 120) were from our syllabus.

We strongly advise you to check out this topic wise analysis at this link

1. Human Peritus is “uniquely positioned” to assist you for the ESIC Dy Director exam. On the one hand we have expertise of Recruitment exams of UPSC (like ALC, EPFO, APFC), on the other hand, we are known market leaders of Management and Commerce subjects. We are uniquely positioned to assist you during preparation journey of UPSC ESIC exam.

2. You should go with Human Peritus, because we do not just cover the syllabus. Our approach is to cover that syllabus, from which questions will come in the exam. Our team does a lot of research on every topic before excluding/including it in the syllabus.

3. One can never crack the exam by just listening to the teacher. With Printed Booklets+Teaching+Question Bank+Mocks, we are “end to end provider” and you can depend completely on us. For example, the teacher will teach you “Capital Budgeting” in class >> Then you will read the same topic from the printed book >> Then you will attempt 60 questions on Capital Budgeting and analyze your answers >> This is how you get 100 % confidence of facing any question on Capital Budgeting in the exam.

4. These practice questions are not random questions, which have been assembled for the purpose of creating a question bank. A lot of thinking has gone into this. For example, do you know our question bank on Indian Polity covers every question of Civils, NDA, CDS, and other UPSC exams for the last 20 years? Similarly, the question bank on Marketing does not cover only the South Asian edition of Kotler, but also the US edition of the same book.  This is the reason, why so many questions are appearing in the exams, from our course.

5. You need not touch any other book. Not even previous papers (they are covered in our question bank). Just go through, what we are giving you and you are ready for the exam.

6. Look at the style and quality of teaching in few recorded videos (given in the middle of this page). Consider Marketing Management video. The objective of this class is not to make you a great management expert, but the objective is to cover maximum keywords from which questions can come. Our teachers at Human Peritus know, how to provide maximum coverage in minimum time.

7. Human Peritus is the most preferred choice since the year 2011. You may look at interviews of hundreds of successful students on youtube.

Since its inception, our approach has been quite traditional. First we spend lot of time in analyzing the “boundary” of syllabus. Then within that boundary, we provide “maximum possible coverage” of concepts.  What we do not do, is to try to find out what is more important or less important in that boundary. We study in detail like a dedicated student.

We believe that, there is no one, who can guess important questions in UPSC exam for objective exams (yes, we may make some guesses for subjective papers, but for objective exams..NO). Only way to crack the exam is cover the syllabus within boundary >> practice lot of questions from that topics>> and you are ready for that topic. So, if you are enrolling with Human Peritus with the hope that, we know important questions, which will come in the exam, DO NOT JOIN US.

Second thing, the preparation takes time. We do not have any magical formula to cover everything in 1 month. We make a plan >> we follow the plan >> we expect you to do what we advise you >> and you are ready for exam. If you are looking for some shortcuts, DO NOT JOIN US.

Our traditional approach has worked earlier and it will work in ESIC too. In UPSC ALC 2017, more than 90% paper was from our course. In recently held UPSC EPFO, more than 85% paper was covered in our concepts.

From a coverage point of view, the Study Material will give you 100% coverage, but the probability of selection is much higher (4 times) in classroom program, because of the following reasons:

(i) a Large number of topics require conceptual clarity, which will need a teacher to make it easier, like Accounting, Marketing, FM, Numerical Ability, Computer Architecture.

(ii) With tips and tricks, the teacher makes it easier to remember.

(iii) If it takes x hours to prepare without a teacher, then it will take only 0.4x hours with a teacher. Since time for ESIC exam is limited, you need someone to make it quicker for you.

(iv) You get into discipline because now someone else is pushing you towards completion of the syllabus (this is the biggest contributor)

(v) While teaching, the teacher explains how questions are framed from a given topic.

The best way of reaching us is via email at You can also chat through whats app (look at blue button on bottom left).

You may also call us at 9717781110, but email gives us better window to prepare for your queries. Sometimes, we may miss your calls. In that case, you will always get a call back within 24 hours (there is no need of repeated calls).

Please note that all general queries like structure of package, price, delivery options, payment options, courses, online coaching etc are explained in detail on the website.

There are 2 types of support Systems:

1. You can email your queries at Our subject matter experts will get back.

2. You can talk to the teacher in the Live Classes.

With our course, you will not need any other book. Not even previous papers. However, some of you need additional assistance. For example, you might need to increase vocab from Normal Lewis.

Although, our team, carefully packs the content, before despatch, sometimes, we may also commit mistakes.

If you find that, any booklet is missing or there are two booklets with same topic, there is no need to worry. Please write an email to us. Immediately, we will send you another courier with missing booklets. 

Please note that, there is no need to panic. Our relationship with you does not end with despatch of courier.  Our team will continuously assist you till exam time by (a) updating new content on online platform (b) handling your queries on any syllabus topic (c) we also do few free preparation tips classes in last 2 months of exam.  

Everything about ESIC Deputy Director exam

ESIC DD interview- 2022 exam

ESIC DD interview- 2022 exam

Interview Workshop- ESIC DD exam

What to study in last 1 month

Important topics from HRM

2022 Paper Solution

Topic wise preparation strategy

In below videos, we have built detailed topic wise strategy for complete Syllabus. Anything else, you want to ask, immediately “Contact Us”. Response within 24 hours.

Part 1: Overall Preparation Strategy

Part 2: General Science

Part 3: Human Resource Management

Part 4:  Marketing Management

Part 5: Comupter Application

Part 6: Accounting

Part 7:  Numerical Ability & LR

Part 8: Financial Management

Part 9: Indian Union

Part 10:  English Language

Part 11: Current Affairs

Part 13: Public Administration & Development

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